So sometimes the little man says some stuff that is just laugh out loud funny and it's not like he's trying to make us laugh - just making very honest observations.
Last weekend Parker was sitting on the bed while Julie was getting ready on the morning. And, of course, PK has surrounded himself with a dozen or so cars and trucks. Seriously, where the hell did that interest come from? Anyway - Julie wanders on in and starts moving some of the cars out of the way so she can sit down and finish getting ready. Parker looks at her and asks, "what are you doing Mommy?" To which Julie replies that she is moving some of his cars out of the way so she can sit her bottom down. Parker responds, "You're bottom can't fit here Mommy, it's too big!"
So Julie is pregnant, right? It's a fact that she's a little larger these days, but it's not like she's Barbar or something. But Parker with the - there's no way that is fitting here - is awesome.
And last week, the big guy and I are sitting down to have dinner. Actually he is sitting down to have dinner, playing with some of his airplanes, and I am sitting there checking some of my e-mails.
So he asks me "Daddy, what does the pirate say?" And I'm like "Oh the pirate says 'arrrgh' big guy"
And he says "No daddy, what does the parrot say?"
"I'm sorry buddy, I misunderstood. The parrot says 'awwwwk'"
Parker is now totally frustrated. Puts down his planes and says, "Look at my face. What does the PIE-LET say?"
It was great. I cracked up.
Okay, jackass I'm going to try to speak very slowly here so my functionally retarded father can understand me.
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