October 2, 2008
Okay, the little man cracks me up these days. He's just able to string together whole consistent thoughts with an imagination. The other day (I wasn't actually here, Julie told me the story) - he was in his play room and he made breakfast for all of his NASCARs. Jimmy Johnson got eggs, Jeff Gordon got ham, and Kurt Busch got a tomato (a tomato? I guess he doesn't like him). But the whole thing apparently went on for like 20 minutes - he was just off on his own making sure his little NASCAR boys got themselves a healthy meal.
We're down in the jumper the other day just totally messing around. That's one of the things that's awesome about the basement. Sure, its cold as hell and there are no lights - but there are also no rules. So we're chucking balls around and basically destroying the place; and he's in the jumper, so I lob a ball at him. It hits him - and stuntman style he jumps up and goes flying back yelling "WHHOOOOAAAA!" It was so flipping funny. Know why? He sold it. He committed himself to the joke of being knocked off his ass.
The only issue about laughing when the little man does something really funny - he doesn't fully appreciate that after the 20th time, it gets a little old. He's still jumping back every time I throw a ball, but you know, it loses a little something the 40th time you do it.
I will say, one of the things that's a little awkward is he still wants to kiss on the lips. Buddy, we're Keenans - it's a him handshake and a thump on the back. That's about as warm as we get here. We don't do the whole 'kiss thing' And we totally don't to the kiss thing when you are sitting on the potty and have just touched your scrotum with both your hands. That's just messed up. I know, gross.
Although one thing that was touching this morning. It's possible I had a little zit on my forehead this morning. Apparently to Parker it looked like I had a little boo-boo, so he wanted to kiss it. Awkward! But then Cookie wanted to kiss it, then Jimmy Johnson. then a dump truck, and finally a cement mixer. The zit was getting a lot of sympathy, it felt much better.
So lastly, the little man LOVES the rock 'n roll. Julie says he likes it only because he knows I like it. But I don't think so. I offer up kids music all the time. He doesn't want that crap. He wants rock and roll. Right now his favorite song is Henrietta by the Fratellis. It's fast and you can dance to it. He actually requests, "Daddy, I want to hear Henrietta" So I don't know if this works, but I've even embedded it below. And lets face it. It rocks.
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