Oct 24, 2008
Okay, so we made it through our first week with Riley. I'm not going to say it was easy by any stretch of the imagination, but having already been through it once with Parker - I have to admit that we are at least a little less freaked out. But when you are only getting something like five hours of sleep in total broken up by a crying child, you just can't overcome being tired as hell.
Story of the week? Yeah - we have one. So last night we are trying to get ourselves ready because we are having some pictures taken today. We decide that we need to give little Riley a bath. Because he still has his umbilcal stump we have to give him a sponge bath. In an attempt to keep him warm and limit the freak out, I have the genius idea to hold Riley while Julie wipes him down. That way I can keep as much of his body covered and warm and uncover only what Julie is cleaning then. Of course I was also the rocket scientist who took off Riley's diaper. That may very well have been a mistake because as I was holding him - the little man took a dump on me. I actually wish I was kidding about that - but sadly, even I wouldn't make that up. I'm holding Riley in my lap and the next thing I know this yellow chunky crap is on my shorts. I was a little freaked, but I'm holding the little man -so it's not like there's actually anything I can do about. So I just sit there.....in shit. That rocked.
Other highlights. You forget just how small newborns are. I mean they are tiny. They are also like little furnances. I can't believe the amount of BTUs that little boy kicks out. You hold him and you just start to get really warm, which, of course, causes me to get wicked sleepy - so I end up falling asleep every time I carry the little guy. He's awake for about four hours of the day, which is totally cool. It's usually from 10am to noon and the (of course) 10pm to midnight. At least he's consistent about that. Anyway, even though he can only see like three feet in front of him it is so awesome to just sit there and watch him and he is just looking around trying to figure out what the hell he's looking at.
He has also managed to put back on all his birth weight and then some. When Riley left the hospital he had lost about 4oz and was 8 lbs 5oz (that was Saturday). By Monday when Julie went to the doctor he was already up to 8lbs 11oz, which made the doctor highlight that he didn't seem to have any problems eating (that's how you know he's a Keenan). The doctor also thinks he has reflux. A little early to worry about whether or not he would need medicine, but basically the guidance we have been given is to never lay him flat. Challenging, eh? But since we are lucky enough to now have a second child with this problem, it's all too familiar. Overall, the little guy is doing pretty well. Don't worry - we're still freaked and paranoid parents, but we're actually all adjusting pretty well.
We are actually a little more concerned about Parker quite frankly. Not that he isn't totally awesome with Riley, because he is. And he's had a great week with Julie and I both at home. But it's fair to say he has been doing a little testing of what kind of crap he can get away with these days. The thing is, I doubt it has anything to do with Riley. All of a sudden we have Parker under a microscope wondering if he'll do something different now that there is a sibling in the house. I think he's been doing this testing thing for awhile, but it's just now that we're all of a sudden worrying about how best to deal with it. That's good solid parenting right there. Spend all the time worrying about the three year old over the one week old.
One thing I will say is the boy has excellent taste in music. And while I won't actually tell him any of the words, because they are....well... vulgar - he has a new favorite song. American (I actually haven't told him the song is American Idiot - he doesn't need to know that).
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