Monday, October 13, 2008

Where is the baby?

October 13, 2008

Yea. We don't know where the baby is. Okay, that's a lie. We TOTALLY know where the baby is - you can hardly miss it. The issue is more the baby has barricaded itself inside Julie's womb. I mean we head down to the hospital and everything, you know, contractions and what not - and then a week later here we are with no baby. Not only that, but Julie went to the doctor on her due date and she hadn't progressed at all -no effacing (I can't even spell that) or dilating or anything.

Not that's it's frustrating or anything, but Julie managed to go through all seven stages of coping in about 6 minutes of Saturday. It was actually quite amazing. One would have thought it literally not possible. But to her credit, by the end of Saturday she had worked through her different stages by the end of the day she was finally at acceptance. I mean she apparently does everything fast including coping. But it's all good now - we have an induction scheduled for tomorrow. WOOOHOOOO. Lack of sleep here we come.

Although I have heard that when you have an induction it takes much longer - so we might have the baby sometime next week or something. At this point it's like who the hell knows.
One thing I do know, however, is that I went with the little man on the preschool pumpkin patch trip. That was really really fun. Got to go pumpkin picking and then go look at some animals. I also got a chance to see him interact with his little buddies in school. How does he do it? Well, it turns out he just stalks them. Seriously - it's almost as though he just follows them around until they start playing with him. It's pretty funny - and a little like 'whoa dude - take a break' He has one little buddy Wade - and while we were at the pumpkin patch and PK just kept walking around going "Where's Wade? Daddy, where's Wade? You can talk to Wade's daddy, and I'll play with Wade."
The only issue with that was that Wade really wanted to hang out with his dad - and so for the afternoon it was almost as though Parker became just another sibling in Wade's family. He went with them everywhere. Um.... Hello? Father/son bonding here Parker - how about a little of it? Nope - not interested in hanging out with Dad. Wanted to hang with Wade. He's three going on fifteen. It's all about the friends.
And, as you can see from the picture above. The pre-school does not encourage smoking for the little ones.
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