Saturday, December 6, 2008
Random Musings
Monday, November 24, 2008
The amazing power of a sleeping infant

Sometimes you just know it's going to be a bad day
So sometimes you wake up in the morning and you just sense that it's not going to be the greatest day. I had one of those last week, and just as I sensed - it sucked. Started out with Riley alseep in his bouncer, and Julie gets up to take a shower. I am just finished getting dressed, when I just hear this insane yelling coming from Parkers room.
I go to check it out, and he is up and he is PISSED. I don't actually know about what yet, but I suspect that it's because he's had a cold and fever for the last week - so he generally feels like crap. Fair enough, I can understand that. I try to talk to him in a very concerned fatherly way "What's the matter big guy?"
It kind of goes downhill from there. I wasn't the one he wanted. Mommy is the cuddler, I am the entertainment (dance funny man!). So PK comes running at me yelling "NOOOOO! NOOOOO!" trying to push me out of the room. Buddy, I am something like seven times your weight - I'm not exactly going anywhere. Whatever - I try to stay calm and try to help him catch his breath, and, you know, usual actual words other than "NO!" Didn't work. This kid yelled at me for ten minutes at the top of his lungs. He couldn't speak, he was so hoarse.
It sucked. I mean really sucked. Now I'm getting late for work, but I'm not going to let this fire breathing four year old push me around, so I dig my heels in determined to work it out rather than just let Julie come in a calm the situation down. But here's the thing, when someone is just screaming at you; it's really REALLY hard to stay in control. It can very quickly spiral wickedly downhill. I mean, I get it - he's sick and he was jolted out of sleep because he can't breath because of his stuffy nose, but he was totally pissing me off. The scene actually looked a little like this:
That is not good times. But after another ten minutes of this, and making no progress - I changed tactics. I got really really calm; I channelled my inner Stuart Smalley.
"Buddy, I get it. You're really mad right now. If you are mad at me, I'm really sorry I upset you so much. But I need you to take a deep breath and tell me why you are so upset."
I think me being so calm (and apologizing, which Julie will suggest is something I never do (but when you are never wrong, what can you expect?)) kind of freaked him out, because it worked. After 30 minutes of pure hell - he switched an off switch and it was like it never happened. Might be easy for the three year old, but my head was spinning.
I think it's fair to say that PK is also having some adjustment issues. Nothing directed towards Riley or anything, who he seems to adore - but some of the stuff he's doing it making my head want to explode.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My Shadow

Kind of hurt too.
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008
And then I tried to figure it out. What the hell was I crying for? My taxes are most likely going to go up. I'm not black. 150 years ago black people were property. Literally, they could be bought and sold like milk or food. One of the reasons we are the country we are is because for the first 75 years of our founding we could own other human beings. It's woven into who we are, we have to accept it and move on. And I do believe with the election of Obama, we actually have started to move on. It is a very dramatic symbol as a nation.
But here's the thing: I didn't want to vote for a symbol. While a symbol represents something significant, it doesn't actually DO anything. No, I didn't vote for a symbol. I voted for hope.
Hope that he maintains the same calm demeanor he exhibited as a candidate. Hope he governs from the center. Hope he can repair our international reputation. Hope he governs according to the Constitution and a respect for the rule of law. Hope he frustrates liberals almost as much as conservatives. Hope he does believe in the power of the market, but recognizes that it sometimes fails. Hope he appoints intelligent but not ideologues to cabinet positions. Hope he is humble about American power.
I just I really am looking for the anti-Bush. It really has been a long eight years. But this is what is truly amazing about this country. With as much damage as has been done over the last eight years - we as a country (finally) recognize it, make the necessary adjustments and just move on to fixing the problems. It really is a great time to be American.
And lastly, Obama is a White Sox fan, which implies he is an excellent judge of character.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Chaos overruns the Keenan household

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pumpkin Carving Night!!!!!

I learned this in the fourth grade on said report. The person kind enough to help finish what I should have, aka sucker, in this case was my mom. If I recall what happened correctly - I half-assed my way through the old praying mantis report, with my mother critiquing it. I believe her response to my effort went something like "this piece of crap is what you are going to turn in? It's terrible, a second grader would have done a better job." Devastating. Instead, however, of having me rework my report (you know, and include research and maybe some facts rather than just random drawings of insects), mom cranked out the old encyclopedia and type-writer and got to work. No way in hell was I going to impinge the family name turning in that piece of garbage. I believe we got a B+ for our efforts.
Friday, October 24, 2008
One week Something like one million to go.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Day Three
Friday, October 17, 2008
Riley Alexander Keenan

Again, I couldn't look because, well they were working down there - and I don't need to see that, but anytime you hear someone yelp "holy f'ing shit - that hurts!" and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, well....that sort of sucks.
And the doctor who had been very nice morphs into this drill sargent. "I WANT YOU TO PUSH AGAIN! NOW GIVE ME TEN SOLIDER!" Jesus, she scared the crap out of me - I started pushing.
It's totally okay. I love my blue baby boy (YOU MY BOY BLUE!).
"Riley Alexander Keenan".
Monday, October 13, 2008
Where is the baby?
Friday, October 10, 2008
The weekend was craptacular! Thanks for asking
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Importance of Healthy Eating

October 2, 2008
Okay, the little man cracks me up these days. He's just able to string together whole consistent thoughts with an imagination. The other day (I wasn't actually here, Julie told me the story) - he was in his play room and he made breakfast for all of his NASCARs. Jimmy Johnson got eggs, Jeff Gordon got ham, and Kurt Busch got a tomato (a tomato? I guess he doesn't like him). But the whole thing apparently went on for like 20 minutes - he was just off on his own making sure his little NASCAR boys got themselves a healthy meal.
We're down in the jumper the other day just totally messing around. That's one of the things that's awesome about the basement. Sure, its cold as hell and there are no lights - but there are also no rules. So we're chucking balls around and basically destroying the place; and he's in the jumper, so I lob a ball at him. It hits him - and stuntman style he jumps up and goes flying back yelling "WHHOOOOAAAA!" It was so flipping funny. Know why? He sold it. He committed himself to the joke of being knocked off his ass.
The only issue about laughing when the little man does something really funny - he doesn't fully appreciate that after the 20th time, it gets a little old. He's still jumping back every time I throw a ball, but you know, it loses a little something the 40th time you do it.
I will say, one of the things that's a little awkward is he still wants to kiss on the lips. Buddy, we're Keenans - it's a him handshake and a thump on the back. That's about as warm as we get here. We don't do the whole 'kiss thing' And we totally don't to the kiss thing when you are sitting on the potty and have just touched your scrotum with both your hands. That's just messed up. I know, gross.
Although one thing that was touching this morning. It's possible I had a little zit on my forehead this morning. Apparently to Parker it looked like I had a little boo-boo, so he wanted to kiss it. Awkward! But then Cookie wanted to kiss it, then Jimmy Johnson. then a dump truck, and finally a cement mixer. The zit was getting a lot of sympathy, it felt much better.
So lastly, the little man LOVES the rock 'n roll. Julie says he likes it only because he knows I like it. But I don't think so. I offer up kids music all the time. He doesn't want that crap. He wants rock and roll. Right now his favorite song is Henrietta by the Fratellis. It's fast and you can dance to it. He actually requests, "Daddy, I want to hear Henrietta" So I don't know if this works, but I've even embedded it below. And lets face it. It rocks.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
It's all ball bearings these days
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Yeah, it's about politics.
My new slogan is: Vote for the Smart Guy. Dumb hasn't been so good for the country.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Underoos Rule!
I am the poop whisperer!
I guess it turns out that there are just certain roles that each of us need to play in the family. For example, Parker, you know, with no income to speak of is sort of a money vacuum. His latest method of making suckers out of us is to find something he really wants (say, I don't know, a dump truck) and he'll get this long face and say "Awwww, I wish I had one of those - then I would be sooooo happy." And to our credit - his success rate is only 90%, I mean we really hold our ground 10% of the time. So that is Parker's role. Julie's, of course, is different. I think Parker put it best regarding Julie. I came home from work yesterday, and Julie and Parker were playing (yes, trucks). Parker likes to have some individual quality time with each of us, so when I came in he said, "Daddy, you can play with me now." Julie relinquishes her spot, gets a drink and shortly returns to the room. Parker looks at her and says, "Mommy, don't sit on the couch" (for fear she is going to interrupt our quality play time). "Mommy, you can go wash the dishes."
To his credit. there were a few dishes left over from lunch that needed to go into the dishwasher. And, in my defense, I have in no way suggested or implied that very traditional 1950's gender stereotyping for our family. No, the big man did that one all on his own. Very progressive. Apparently Mommy's role is in the kitchen.
Me? I am the poop whisperer. I don't know why - but the little man seems to only poop when I take him. It's actually a little freaky. I mean we have been trying to potty train this kid for like the last twenty years. He's been awesome with number one for maybe the last year or so - but he was in some sort of poop protest for the last nine months. He appeared to take great pride in informing us that he had, in fact, pooped his pants. But sometime over the last two months he has started to turn the corner. By the way, I realize that discussing a child's bowel movements is quite literally letting people into a world they could not care two shits about.
Anyway, like I said - he seems to have turned the corner, with one caveat - I have to be around. He actually even tells Julie that he's going to wait for me. I think Julie actually uses this, because lets face it, the whole thing is pretty disgusting, and the less time one has to spend dealing with other's feces the better.
I can handle it - we come up with games guessing how big it's going to be, calling it the big stinky, and rolling cars and trucks over my head. Good times, good times.
He has also started swim lessons again - and we are talking huge progress since last year. Still wants to have the death grip around my neck, but now I can eventually pry him off.
More about that later though.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sibling Class

Okay, so I took the big man to preschool for the first time today. That was kind of a big deal. And I have to say he handled it really well. When we went on Tues, Julie and I were both there, which probably made it less weird for him. Not this time. And I have to say, I think I handled it just the right way - did the whole drop and run bit. Walked him in to the room, signed him in, and just said to him 'okay buddy, give me a hug and go and play' - and that is exactly what he did. It was cool. Of course, after I drove away, I was like 'damnit, I should have at least watched him for a minute.' I'm such a loser.
I also got to pick him up on his first day - and that was awesome. They were all out at the playground, so I got to catch a sneak peak of how he was playing with the other kids. More telling was that when I went over there, I was a little early, so I asked him if he wanted to go or he wanted to keep playing - and he wanted to keep playing (he wanted me to come in the playground which I declined).
But here's the thing, I try to get him to talk about his first day, show and tell, etc. And all he'll tell me is that he did nothing. It's like he's 13 or something. What did you do today? Nothing? I think it's actually pretty funny and then attempt to tickle the truth out of him, but it is so frustrating for Julie - who, you know, actually wants to carry out a real conversation. She obviously does not appreciate how guys are wired.
So anyway, the whole school thing went well.
So last weekend we took the little man to the hospital for a sibling preparation class. It was pretty fun. The only issue I had was that the instructor who is obviously used to working with kids was so flipping cheerful and upbeat it made me immediately dislike her. Nobody is that happy. And I know she was doing it for the kids, but still - easy on the cheer, okay.
So anyway, he got to see a newborn - which he loved. And there were some great things about the class -- like seeing what the hospital, room, and baby were all about. But then the whole thing got a little over-the-top when the arts and crafts project included gluing together a uterus, baby, and umbilical cord. The kids were all listening with screwed up faces until she finally said something familiar about belly buttons, which is when Parker tuned back in, lifted up his shirt and yelled, "I have a belly button!"
Next we were on to how to diaper and swaddle baby. Cookie Monster played the role of "baby" and proceeded to wear a diaper and receiving blanket for days thereafter. All in all, little man is as ready as he's going to be. He has a certificate to prove it.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
First Day of Preschool!!

September 10, 2008
We're not going to lie to you hear (at least on this particular post, who knows about the rest of them). This has been a huge week. First over the weekend we took Parker to a sibling class at the hospital. I'll write more about that later, but he is now officially ready to be a big brother.
But on Tuesday, he had his first day of preschool. The little boy is all grown up - but it was pretty cool. Didn't start out that way. Perhaps Julie and I had been trying too hard to get him excited about the whole school thing. Here's the play by play.
Tuesday morning we have to wake him up at 8:30 (man he is lazy). The first day of classes started at 10am rather than the normal 9am . So we get up and get him all ready. And I mean Julie and I are fired up, we're jumping all around (maybe not Julie) saying dumb stuff like "who wants to go to preschool!!!!!" And Parker seems to be getting into it because he said "I am psyched to go to preschool!" (yes, he actually talks like that - he gets psyched).
So anyway, we go down to have breakfast (cracklin' oat bran) and we're sitting there havin

Even after I cut up the new watermelon, he's still pissed because he didn't want that watermelon - he wanted the other one. Mentioning that the old watermelon was in the trash didn't seem to do much good.
After about 10 minutes he finally starts to calm down and Julie looks at me and says "yeah, I don't really think he was that fired up about some watermelon"
Needless to say, we are off to a great start. So we head off to school, and meet the teacher (Mrs. LaRitz). So she gives about a 20 minute little talk about how she structures the class. And while all the grown-ups are listening Parker has camped out between Julie and I playing with (go figure) some construction trucks he's found. And he is taking a dump truck and running it up my one arm, saying "the dump truck sounds like this vrrroooooommm!" and then down my other arm.
And we're trying to whisper to him "why don't you go play with some of the other boys and girls" "Ummmm, no thanks." After I pointed out a jackpot of trucks over in the corner he keeps saying to me "come on daddy, come with me to get the trucks" So I am basically saying to him that he can go over and get them, to which he responds that I can go with him. After a couple of minute of this, he finally gives up and tries to get mommy to go with him "Mommy, come get some trucks."
Julie leans over to him and whispers something, and he just gets up by himself and gets some more trucks. I asked Julie what he hell she said to him; and she responded that she pointed out that all the grownups were sitting and listening, but all the children were playing. She couldn't go and get a truck now, because she needed to listen. It was amazing.
Finally the time had come that we had to leave the little man (although only for forty five minutes). Didn't really know how he was going to take it, and obviously the teacher must have picked up on some of our hesitation, because she asked Julie if he was going to be okay. We looked back in the room - and there he was happily playing with like eight construction trucks. Not any other kids, mind you, but the boy had his trucks and he was going to be fine.
And I will say that when we came back to pick him up, he really did seem to like it. He said that he wanted to go back - and that on Thursday it was going to be show and tell. He is bringing a John Deere dump truck. I did not see that one coming.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Yeah that whole Pregnancy Thing

That caption is probably true - we do bite. So since the boss has been pregnant for, you know, about eight months now; I think I've started to draw some conclusions.
I think being pregnant kind of sucks. I mean I realize that there's this instantaneous bond between mom and child immediately, given that she pushed the kid out and all. But seriously, at what cost?
I mean you put on like 20% increase in body weight (although for me it would only be 1%), you end up waddling around for a couple of months with none of your clothes fitting, out of breath walking up a flight of stairs, has to pee like every eight seconds, and can't sleep through the night. What a joyous life affirming experience (and, no, I really am not trying to be flip). At the end of term you get to look forward to pushing a bowling ball out an opening the size of a quarter. Yeah - that sounds awesome. Sign me up.
Julie has mentioned now several thousand times that she wishes that just for a week I could experience what she is going through. Obviously that implies that I am not sympathetic enough. And I try, I really do try to be sufficiently sympathetic. Although sometimes when I'm a little fired up at her, I leave crap on the floor just so she has to bend down and pick it up.
Anyway, I don't really need to go through that. First, I don't deal with pain well and second, as Julie has pointed out repeatedly, I whine a lot - I couldn't handle it.